It's the perfect time to start up my website since my last final is today and it'll be awhile before anymore conventions. I need something to keep me busy for the next couple of weeks before the next semester starts. So expect a lot of updates within the next few weeks!
So what kind of updates? Well, I'll be making a page with all of my costumes, pictures of the costumes, and a little description of how and why I made each one. I'm trying to decide if I should organize them chronologically or into genre sections (anime, comics, sci-fi, ect). I'll also have a little about me page, convention page (where I'll try to list the cons I've been to, but it'll be hard to remember all the old ones and I'll say if I've helped at any of them), and a couple other part that I'm still trying to figure out.
So that's about it for now. Keep checking out my sites for many updates!
~Yoko Mizuhara